If you like working with foam, check out It is easier than pep and the files are free and more accurate than this model. Dungbeetle, do you think you could take a look at the Ed Automail Arm to see if you could tune it more for a person to wear?It will take a lot of work. Wow that's a shocker a fellow Pepakura Master has commented. The pepakura files found here have not been created by myself although I have. 3D designer Simone Fontana has released the files for a 3D printed replica of Tracer's gun from the. Diy Deathstroke Deathstroke Pepakura Deathstroke Cosplay Diy Armor Pepakura Pepakura 2017 Pepakura Files Kostiumy Cosplay. Cosplay Automail Tutorial 1 by rockinrobin on deviantART.